'A Gospel Choir perform Harry Styles'

When Milly was a teenager, she was a big fan of the boy band One Direction, and of one member in particular, Harry Styles.

And when One Direction disbanded, she was an avid follower of his solo career, which, I have to say, has seen him release some excellent songs.

Somewhere along the way, Abi also became a huge fan, and the pair of them are off to see him playing live later this month. I imagine they'll have a blast.

So when I saw an advert for a gig at The Blues Kitchen entitled 'A Gospel Choir perform Harry Styles', I suggested that we go along, and so that's what we did, this evening: me, Abi, Milly, and Hannah.

I wasn't sure what to expect but I though I'd probably enjoy it. In fact, it was brilliant. Not only were the singers great, but the band were incredible, too. And it was clear that they were all having a fantastic amount of fun.

As was the audience, with everyone seeing along lustily, happy grins all over their faces. The whole evening was thoroughly uplifting.

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