one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Sunflower progress

After yesterday’s  rain and lovely temperatures (20 degrees) we’re back up to 28 today. I walked Elvis by myself as Mr F did his English conversation class, and now our nurse and her eldest daughter are having a lesson. He does these lessons voluntarily, and never accepts payment.
I cleaned the pool as best I could with one hand as the robot has packed up, but the mermaid didn’t turn up this afternoon with her mum and sister, so it doesn’t matter too much that I didn’t do a very good job.
When they finish it’s back to paperwork for Mr F. The insurance company are asking for different documents every day, the latest thing they want is our bank details from when we bought the car 15 years ago. We were living in Belgium and had bank accounts in three different countries at that time, so he may not get round to cutting the grass today, and it badly needs it!
The photo shows my house in the background, with a barn in front of it.

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