nadarsander 2000

By darsa

Where ideas come from?

No idea.

On my way to the grocery shop I thought to blip some flowers. And did it. But also took some photos of this leaf of grass.

I remembered that the great American poet Walt Whitman (1819-92) wrote all his life the same collection of poems, called "Leaves of Grass". During 37 years he published it in 5 editions and 2 issues, adding, deleting and revising poems for each edition.

In 1942 another great American artist, Edward Weston did a book of his photographs inspired by Whitman. The name of the book was, of course "Leaves of grass".

Later I blipped something else, and continued reading the biography of Dostoevsky by Henry Troyat

Somehow this blip pleases me now, because of Whitman, Weston, or Dostoevsky.


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