Adopted .......

 .............. by a cat.

This is the latest addition to next door's clowder of cats - I count thirteen now!

This one seems to have taken a liking to sitting on the pavers outside our front door (see inset) but, as soon as I move the door handle, it's up and staring.     At one point we had three of them out there in various places.     
To be fair to the cats I can see why they don't sit in their own "garden"  (probably more called a wilderness) - the gravel drive is more weed and dandelions than gravel, the "flower beds" are much the same and the square of grass is more dragged up than cut.   Our warmed-by-the-sun pavers probably feel really nice.

I had to use a step ladder to put up my bird feeders on the newly pruned cherry tree and could see over the back fence - wouldn't have even noticed if there'd been a tiger in there - waist-high grass and weeds there too.
Still, it's their garden and they are entitled to a mess if they want one.

~ Anni ~

This is Tuesday uploaded on Wednesday morning (before my trip to the hairdressers for a trim before the WBBN? jaunt starts on Friday/Saturday).

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