A great day out

Left EK in the early morning to travel with the club down to the borders. We were walking near Innerleithen, but started off with coffee and scones at the Traquair Hotel, which is always a nice way to start.

The main group walked the Duchess Way, a traditional route in the hills.  A smaller group of us, including Bob, walked a much easier route to Newark Tower, and had lunch there.  Halfway there Bob felt he had had enough, and the rest of us went on but when we were having lunch at the tower, Bob appeared, as he had got a second wind.  He did really well, five weeks from his operation.

It was a very hot day, in fact one of our number on the main walk had heat stroke and had to return to the coach.  They leader did a very slow pace with lots of stops, but walking in temperatures of 27C is not for the faint hearted, and they were all very tired at the end.

However, we headed back to the the Traquair Arms for a meal, and a good meal it was, and after some liquid refreshments everyone recoverd well and we had an excellent time.  (extra)

Lovely to be out walking, even if we didn't manage the main walk.

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