Bagger Wood

I had a short walk in Bagger Wood as I came back from the dentist.  It was a bit warm, but it gave me a bit more shade than the field path would have done.

The foxglove had a white-tailed bumblebee interested in it's contents (I might be wrong it could be a buff tailed, even though it looks white.)

And I don't know what the yellow flower is - I can find similar flowers in my plant guide, but none of the leaves look like the ones in my photo.   There were three clumps growing quite close to gather on the edge of the track, and I didn't see any more in other places along my walk. The nearest I've got is the St. John's Wort family?

There are foxgloves everywhere, largely growing in the areas that have been fairly recently cleared.

Birds calling (recorded on Merlin Bird Song  - I love this app for my phone)

1. Robin, Blackbird, Chiffchaff
2. Long-tailed Tit, Chiffchaff, Blue-Tit, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Nuthatch, Wren
3. Song Thrush, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Blackcap, Wood Pigeon

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