pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

back to where i was lost at the same old spring

A bit of a non day to be honest....I find half terms quite tricky to cope with if I'm in London. Unless I'm off on holiday somewhere, I find it hard to get by without a real sense of purpose. I've been reading, writing reports, went to the Museum of London the other day and saw some comedy but still, something's been missing :-/

Good news today though - Rhiannon got the job in Scotland! Woop! Very pleased for her and it does give me some inspiration to get off my backside and pursue my real ambition. I'm excited to visit her once she moves there as well, although sad that there are fewer and fewer people left for me to visit in Manchester now.

Chris has moved in to his new flat today properly and this is was his house warming present from me - it's a tea towel from Kanazawa, which is where he used to live and is also one of the places I visited during Easter when I went to Japan. Think it's going to be framed and put on the wall rather than being used as a tea towel though.

Chris reads this journal every now and then, so HELLO CHRIS! :o)

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