
Although she's not officially a Samba Sister any longer, as she is so busy touring the world with various other bands, Saskia kindly came along to drumming tonight to share her expertise on how to tune the drums. Here she is showing Joanne how it's done.

We were practising tonight for our first gala of the year - Kirkconnel & Kelloholm - on Saturday. How I love being up on a lorry, touring the town and belting out the tunes :-)

Today was the hottest yet - up to 31 degrees. I did some gardening early on and then went into town for an aquaerobics class. It's a funny thing but I'm not finding these classes very friendly. There are some women who return my smiles or conversational advances, but it seems quite a cliquey group. I'm there for the exercise rather than the social side of things, but I do find it strange that so many of the women are so po-faced. Still, who knows what's going on in their lives? Thankfully nobody can say the same about the Samba Sisters!

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