Best of both worlds

We originally (many years ago) wanted to live in the Lake District, but ended up choosing North Devon.  This view makes us feel like we somehow managed to get the best of both worlds!

Another fairly easy day - although I did tackle a couple of big boxes in the kitchen again.  Tired myself out with that, so had a restful hour or so with the Xbox, and then Tim and I got out for a walk late afternoon - back up to the old railway line again.  Got a bit further this time - as far as the Slade Reservoirs (also beautiful).  This little clearing is en route to the railway walk.  Loved the low cloud on the Torrs on the way back home. 

Spent some time on the balcony again this evening, with the last of our celebratory prosecco (bought for us by Gael, who bought our flat), and got to bed at a slightly earlier time, ready to return to work tomorrow.

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