A knight and his lady…

Our early start was a 3am mini cab drive to Heathrow…..

It’s beautiful here in Cacassonne you n Provence. We were last here over thirty years ago and it’s true that history grows and matures the places where its stories originate. Tomorrow we’re on a guided tour here and I will record with greater knowledge and a more relevant picture. This evening though, we strolled and enjoyed a feast for our eyes; amazing views, fountains, churches and of course people. Wonderful that it’s within a half hour walk of our hotel.

This little shop was much loved and visited by families. In the children went and emerged as knights and medieval ladies. These models were a real source of fascination to the youngest children. We ate a lovely dinner while watching, in evening sunshine and to the sounds of happy people.

An early night because we’re tired, and my cough and cold haven’t quite gone.

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