Quick blip. In the garden.

I spent a bit of time staking up the peonies this morning which had a battering in yesterday evening’s torrential downpours and thunderstorms.
The garden certainly relished all the rain.
Today has been muggy and this afternoon a bit oppressive,
There has been a bit of rain after tea, but not much to speak of, yet at least.
Nonetheless the washing dried on the line this afternoon,
We were in town early this morning.
I needed one or two things, one being to send to my great nephew in London for his 8th birthday, coming up soon.
I’ll always remember where I was when he was born.
I’d just landed at Lyon Satelas airport with my friend Cecilia when I got a message on my mobile. We were on our way to our usual week’s intensive French down in Nyons, Drôme, Provence.
We caught the train south from Lyon to Montélimar, and then had to make the rest of the journey by coach.
Stephen had taken us to Luton airport first thing to catch the plane.
The following year was the last time we both were there after 12.consecutive years.
it is certainly the best way to get to grips with a language, and there were not many English speaking people in that area, which was very beautiful, and noted for the quality of its olives, having a well deserved Appellation Contrôlée for the product.
I think it is going to be another warm muggy night.

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