Leith Hall, Aberdeenshire

The good news is that Brodie came back, and the baby ospreys have enjoyed portions of three fish over the course of the day. I know this from the live webcam footage on YouTube.

Today we thought that we would take advantage of our National Trust for Scotland membership and visit Leith Hall, near Huntly. We took one route there and a different one back. This was to make the most of the views of the countryside. The return journey was more dramatic because we came over the hills via Tomatin during a thunderstorm.

While at the property we enjoyed a guided tour, took a walk around the gardens, observed birds from the wildlife hide, and ate our lunch in the café (with the best coffee of the entire holiday, apparently). I photographed the view from the window of the hall's main staircase as my blip.

On our return to Carrbridge we decided that we should have a selfie with the village's most famous landmark - hence the extra of us in front of the Sluggan Bridge.

Exercise today: small amount of walking (7,134 steps).

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