Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

First poppy of the season. At least in The Greenhouse. :)
An old co-worker came back today. She was working during my first time, and had left when I came back. I was really happy when I heard she was coming back! We gave each other a long hug today. She'll be with us during the summer months, when the other ordinary staff is on vacation. We have 3 supervisors, or bosses as I call them, and they will take turns having vacations. So, she'll be a welcome addition and I'm going to learn the cashiers with her. Good to be able to help out with the customers, and also good because of other reasons...  We only accept credit card and swish, so no actual money involved, which is nice. :)
Todays chore's involved weeding and planting and weeding, weeding and finally some more weeding... We cleared three veggie patches from weed. First one that we then planted cucumber on, then two more. We were three and had a good time, so we were finished in no time. My back thought it nice when I could sit down for a bit. It was a warm day, and tomorrow will be warmer. 
This week is a full week, then next week we're closed on Friday, Midsummers Eve, which's nice! I thought we had half day then, but apparently not. 

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