Late night desperation blip
The trouble with backblipping is that you forget all the funny things you were going to write to go with the photo you took at 11pm.
So let's just pretend I had a hilarious but smart observation about this thing that's on the windowsill in our hall (why is it there?) You're currently sniggering into your tea/wine/beer/lemsip at the hilarious commentary, and wondering what I did with my day.
Err, there's the other trouble with backblipping: unless you actually did anything noteworthy enough to be taking photos, it's odd how a whole day can just slip your mind. Well, it was Thursday, so there would have been much toing and froing to kids' activities.
Oh, the election - that's what happened. Mr B and I did extensive research into who we could vote for (which consisted of 30 seconds looking up the independent bloke on the internet to try and figure out if he was a total loon). Anyway, the good thing about a secret ballot is that I don't have to tell you who I voted for in the end. (Though I probably would, if I could remember.)
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