


of the boo

it’s become a - a tradition of sorts - to post at - least a weekly - photo of my - precious boo and - typically it has - fallen on a sunday - in which i do it - i’m not sure - why that is - perhaps she’s more - relaxed on the the - weekend or can - sense that i am - kittie-boo’s are very - sensitive to their - owner’s emotions and - behaviors and the boo - is no exception - she has become very - in tune to me - over these years - that we’ve been - together, knowing when - i don’t feel well - or have a - headache coming on - it’s amazing to me - she’ll stay especially close - during those times

so maybe weekends - are just a better - fit for both - of us to do - portrait shots together - and so it is - and will be - and this one - truly shows off - her golden eyes - and some of - her butterscotch stripes - around her face - but any shot - of the boo makes it…


happy day…..

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