Waiting for customers

A day off from the home maintenance today,

It was the town carnival today and I was supporting the stand operated by my photographic society.  It is the first time we have participated and we are hoping it may gain us an extra member or two.  It also allowed us to bid for a grant from the carnival committee.  Whether we are successful in either objective we shall have to wait and see.

The carnival site was full of stands from voluntary organisations, churches, schools and charities, all hoping to raise money or advertise themselves.  In addition  there were fairground rides, ice cream vendors (popular in today's heat) and commercial stands, including the one shown in my blip.  This was taken shortly after the carnival ground opened to the public but before the procession arrived, so he had no customers at this point.  However, he must have had some later as I saw children (and maybe the occasional adult) walking around with some of the stuffed snake toys (or whatever they are).

As my blips have been rather poor recently, I have allowed myself an extra today (not something I normally do as it is agains the original concept of this site).  It shows a member of the local Showband, apparently playing all on his own but, in fact, part of the full band performance.  I'm not sure what the instrument he is wearing is called, but it is certainly impressive.  The  band put on a good show - good music performed well and a well choregraphed display.

Back to the decorating tomorrow.

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