
By Eldora19


A bit of a scramble to get things ready for swimming and climbing this morning but we got there in time, it’s literally a 2 minute ride from the house. Last week S cried during her swimming lesson and I ended up in the pool to help, the teachers recommended a warm wetsuit and big face goggle rather than small eye ones. The lesson started with a slight wobble from S but it only last 5 minutes, by the end she was swimming widths of the pool by herself, splashing and smiling and loving the lesson. That was a relief and she’s looking forward to going back again. I had booked a climbing session for S an hour after her swimming lesson so we rode straight there with Cannon. In hindsight I tried to get S to do too much in one morning, she was tired and hungry at climbing and whilst she enjoyed it, she didn’t have much energy. We had a nice brunch at the Lounge whilst sheltering from a huge thunderstorm and torrential rain. We picked up some Father’s Day gifts in town and headed home. Lots of housework to get on top of. In the afternoon we went to b&q so I could get some more flowers for the old tin baths we brought back from Mull. Another BBQ for dinner and we watched the huge storm clouds swirl above us. My heart palpitations are still happening today so I think I’ll try get a doctors appointment.

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