
First I got wet indoors, sweating over the painting while the sun drove the temperatures up. (It might need another coat. I hope I can get away without one.) Then I got wet outdoors when I realised I'd forgotten to shut the shed doors.

Meanwhile, two bits of disruption. The person I was gong to spend next weekend with now can't make it (no fault of theirs) and I backed out of the week I'd arranged to teach on the boat in August because I discovered it's not a bunch of off-the-walls intermediate adolescents but a group of advanced adults whose main teacher wanted to know more about my (in)experience. Serious classroom teaching isn't my strength. I enjoy adapting everything I've planned to swing with the moods.

So, do I go back to my main employer and say I don't want that week as leave after all or do I take it and do something unplanned? (!)

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