The long and the short of it

We watched our church service online this morning, which was a Book of Common Prayer service, my favourite. We are blessed to belong to a church which provides several kinds of services, which range from an early morning quietly contemplative one through to the lively, spirit-filled concert-style evening worship, with traditional prayer book and family-friendly services in between. 

It’s been too hot to stay out in the garden for long today, other than for morning coffee on the patio and then lunch under the parasol, so I’ve busied myself in the relative cool of the craft room with letting down a little dress for my youngest granddaughter. I made it for her in April last year, and when she tried it on at that time, it was quite long for her, and the sleeves had to be turned back quite a bit! I had given it a 2½" hem, which is what I let down today, adding a false hem instead, so hopefully it will get a bit more wear before it is passed on through the family.

Later this afternoon Daddy brought the two little girls to play in our garden for a bit, so he was able to take the dress home with him to give back to Mummy.

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