A bit more Peony!
Well, I told you what
to expect! A blooming Peony
on a Too Hot Day..
Yes, again I shall tell you it is too hot. So, so hot. I'm not built for this heat. I might make an exception if I were to find myself in a cool, stone, child-free villa with a private pool. But in the absence of that stroke of luck, then, I am not built for this heat.
Anyway, I faffed about this morning because I didn't really want to take Leo and Ben out together after yesterday's drama but then the morning got away from me and suddenly it felt too near midday to take Leo out at all. He just soaks up the sun. So I faffed a bit more and then in the end Mr KCNQ2Haiku took Ben out for a bit of a wander and I filled the paddling pool for Leo to cool off in.
I may have a had a little nap after lunch :-) and then in the late afternoon we went to the woods for another shady walk. It was good for Leo in theory but he did race around in the undergrowth, so I was still worried he was over heated by the time we got home. He went back in the paddling pool and ended up drinking loads of it which has led to a few accidents around the house this evening :-/ Oh well, I'm sure we'll get better at all this warm weather/dog ownership thing!
Ben has been tired and fed up in the heat, he likes to bounce on the trampoline but it's really too warm for it.
Back to school/work/exams tomorrow, so hopefully it won't be too uncomfortably hot.
But.. look at this Peony :-) Isn't it lovely?! Even more Bloomy than yesterday!
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