Revolving Doors

As Mrs S came through the front door following her night shift I was on my way out to the rugby club.
The pressure on the Thursday Gang in the run up to the Sea Shanty Weekend and Armed Forces Day is apparently increasing but you’d be hard pushed to notice. Not for us a change in pace or tempo, maybe a couple of extra hours on Thursdays but that would be about it. Still lots to do in order to be ready for the two events but with enough warning we would have been on top of it.

Todays photograph shows a blue gig as opposed to the red coloured one shown a few days ago. This one, Epic Energy, the clubs original gig, takes on water when afloat, after an hours rowing the water in the bottom of the gig can be 2 to 3 inches deep which makes getting it out of the water and onto the wheels a test of strength.
All part of the exercise regime though.

Looking forward to seeing Joshua tomorrow.

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