
After the crossword and Wordle we were dressed and packed in no time, and did a quick tidy round before setting off.
Stopped at Corfe castle to get a drink and a bacon roll at the little village bakery, and had a lovely walk round the back of the castle through some woods and along a little river. Clouds were creeping in though, the first we’ve seen all week, despite it being very warm.
Set off for what should have been just less than an hour’s trip to G&K’s but when we’d driven that long through the winding Dorset lanes I stopped to check…we were going to a different village with the same name further west and had another 1.5 hours drive to get to them…! Grr!
Anyway, lovely day to be seeing the countryside, and although we couldn’t see the Cerne Abbas giant we passed near him. Had a lovely chat and cold drinks in G&K’s garden, then a little further to see S who’s recovering from a hernia op and doing better than the Pope seems to be. She was telling us about her various health concerns but also all her cycling adventures and the camera equipment she uses for her great Instagram profile (@adventurequeenmother if you’re interested). Ka was there too, back from Portugal, and she also had some great stories about how they’ve been renovating a house in rural Portugal and her current work in a local call centre (grim!)
After sandwiches and scones we set off to MK and had a straightforward trip in the right direction and were soon home at K’s where she rustled up some spinach pie and salad before I went back to T&Kt’s for the night. Pretty tired.

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