Coming in for a landing

Kent was up early and outside. Washed his truck and then tackled removing all the briars that like to grow in all the gardens about the house.

In case that wasn’t enough, he then went on to cut the grass on the back and front triangles.

I went out and took some photos of various flowers with the dew still on them and then settled down to get some photos of birds at the feeders.

There were very few visitors. This was thanks to the fact that the Cooper’s Hawks decided to do their hunting war cry. There are a couple of them in the back corner where our yard & the Keeter’s meet and there are about four in Jim’s yard so they can cause a good ruckus if they want and today they wanted to!

Mr Ruby Throated Hummingbird seemed to just ignore them and made several visits to the feeder.

I seem to have spent most of my afternoon going through photos first for my Mum and them for a couple of things I needed.

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