Start of Open Studios

Open Studios kicked off to a quick start today at noon as soon as I had opened- usually I don’t get anyone until after lunch.
Then it was more or less non-stop until 5 pm. 

Many had visited the garden during Open Gardens and decided to revisit it.
The second surprise was interest in my AI work. In fact I thought I would be lucky to get any visitors because I didn’t think people would be that much interested in it.
But my first visitors (todays Blipfoto) came specifically to see it, saying they were intrigued.
So I asked then to pick their favourites.
Both are artists so I offered them the chance to make their own then emailed it to them. (I like to include an interactive element in to my Open Studios).
Another interactive element is asking people what growing older means to them.
They write their comments anonymously and place them in a big box. Subsequent visitors enjoy rummaging through.
One woman wrote today: ”Sh*t!”
NB I am open tomorrow and next weekend 12noon-5pm Venue 35
Link: Artbeat  

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