Finally, sunshine

It has been a beautiful day today, the main event being a long delayed plan to meet up with a friend and former colleague for a walk and catch up in Clumber Park. I decided not to take Bailey due to the temperatures forecast. It was at 28º on the car on the way home but he would actually have been OK on our walk. It was good to catch up and we have promised not to leave it so long next time. Lots of chat and a pause for cake before we headed home in opposite directions. 

A greeting from Bailey when I got home who had benefitted from being in the cool. I did a few jobs after a late lunch and then a bit of a lie down this afternoon. And this evening the garden has had a good dousing and I have done a bit of deadheading of the pink rose and the aquilegias. Everything is very much enjoying the sunshine, as have I today. 

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