Been there, Doune that

We left Knoydart on the Gripper II (blipped with our bikes) at 9:00am, landing at the jetty in Mallaig about 40 minutes later. Instead of continuing directly to our next holiday destination, we headed a few miles south and west for another few hours of sunbathing, paddling, reading, and learning Gaelic.

Our beach du jour was Back of Keppoch. We realised today that we only ever go there on hot sunny days, for example on 14th August 2021 and 25th July 2014. Today a small herd of cattle joined us to cool down in the water (extra).

We set off again for Carrbridge mid-afternoon. It was a lovely drive with fantastic views, especially of Ben Nevis with a couple of patches of snow on the summit. Our only complaint was the heat. The car registered 29 degrees at one point.

We have now settled into our bed and breakfast in Carrbridge for the next three nights. Tomorrow's weather forecast looks interesting: thunderstorms and 23 degrees.

Exercise today: none.

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