Coffee Time

Little Man and I went into town this morning to pick up a few things. We went into Starbucks for a coffee (Ed had his own drink, but they will give him free babyccinos if I ask them). I like going into Starbucks as I get loads of free perks there, like extra shots of coffee and syrup, whipped cream and a free drink on my birthday, as well as a free drink after i have racked up 150 stars (£1=3 stars).

I've spent the last few days deep cleaning the downstairs, and it meant that I felt comfortable enough to have a few friends round to visit. We had a lovely chat, and Little Man found it amazing to have some people to entertain. He's been a pretty grumpy little person today, so having visitors round really brought out the happiness in him. He was taken to bed early.

I'm planning to do a video of the house once I've cleaned the upstairs. That's my next challenge whilst hubby is away.

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