Not a sea creature

But a poppy seed head. More garden blips I'm afraid. I thought the huge perennial poppy was finished for the year but I see another bloom opening. It is so hot today, it won't last long. We have a water shortage warning so no watering. 

Last night was fun and we did eat outside. We retreated to the house for coffee/herbal tea and our thoughtful guests didn't stay late. One of them spotted a gang of tree bees flying round a pipe on our neighbours' house. The advice is to leave them in peace and they'll go of their own accord. 

There's a perfect Scots word (might be used elsewhere but I don’t know) to describe what happened politically yesterday. Strunt - meaning pique, peevishness, pettiness. As in 's/he took ( or had) a strunt'. The kind of behaviour you expect from a toddler who can't control his or her emotions. Might all be part of a well worked out plan of course but it looked as if there were strunts on both sides of the Atlantic.  

Today we're off for a family party. Tomorrow is the seven, almost eight,  year old's birthday and she has invited her family rather than having a party with her friends. Lovely! It's going to be a really hot, sunny day so hats will be worn. And I've donned a summer frock. It's an occasion after all. 

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