Hello Lovely Blippers,

We have to say that we didn’t quite believe Mr. HCB when he said that sometimes he was out working in the garden just after 6.30 some mornings, which is quite silly as far as we are concerned, because we like our beds but he says it’s cooler then, before the sun comes up.  This morning, we decided to get up early and find our for ourselves if that was true.

Well, we were up early, but Mrs. HCB was still sleeping, so we had to wait until she got up so that we could draw back the curtains (cue for a song there!)   We were most surprised to see Mr. HCB busily planting, so we all clambered up onto the windowsill, which was no mean feat, considering we had to stand on shoulders, but we managed it.

We then banged on the window and you can see Mr. HCB waving to us.  He works so hard in the garden and it does take a lot of his time, but he says he does it so that Mrs. HCB can see all the beautiful flowers - he is so kind!

We think that Admirer would love their garden and you can see to the right of Mr. HCB that there is a lovely little bistro table and two chairs, so no doubt they will both be sitting there very soon and having a cup of coffee - which is a good idea we think, and not at all silly!

Mr. HCB is hoping, of course, that the promised rain will be here tomorrow - in fact, gentle rain all night would be good and then sunshine again tomorrow, but it doesn’t always work like that, does it?

Have a great weekend and stay safe - put on plenty of sun cream if you are going to be out in the garden or doing anything else outside.

With love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

P.S.  It’s only just after 9 o’clock now and it’s very warm in their garden so we think we will stay indoors in the cool because it looks as if it's going to be another scorcher today.

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