Fuchsia Garden

Wooohoooo I have my new laptop back! It is less than a year old, but has been to Computer Hospital for 1½ mth, but now it is back home and it seems to be working! Apperantly they replaced the 'main board'. It is great to have it back!

I have been to work and then to Slagelse to collect my laptop.

On the way home, I took the boys for a walk. The Fuchsia Garden is really pretty this time of year, so I thought that should be my blip for today.
More pictures on Flickr.

The weather is beautiful today, so the guinea pigs are outside in their outdoor pen.

I am on my way out to train Hero in a minute. We are competing on Saturday, so Biscuit is not training these days. Hero needs to train every day up to a show, otherwise he is OTT from excitment when he comes into the competition ring. Biscuit needs a couple of days off before competing, so he is 'hungry' for the attention and fun. Different dogs with different needs.

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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