A Day!!
Main blip is the purple cherry tomatoes!! Never grown these before . They sure are pretty.
The morning started good J went to mow. I sat on porch and in garden, read part of my SS lesson and some scripture , then picked some blueberries. J came home in terrible pain and with lung congestion. Last week, he injured a rib on his left side. Not severely, but enough to feel it. Monday and Tuesday he toted lumber and dug post holes by hand for Jessica’s fence. He was a little more sore. Today he bounced on the lawn mower all morning and could barely straighten up. His congestion was worse also.
He agreed to see the doctor so we started out. We got about 10 miles and had a flat tire. He couldn’t change it and of course I couldn’t. We finally got the mechanic and J’s nephew on the line. People were good to stop and check on us too and offer to help. After about 2 hours, we decided to just go to the clinic in town. We love that nurse practitioner. Like me, from listening, she thought he had pneumonia and a broken rib. Praise Jesus, no pneumonia! The rib did not show up broken yet but can take weeks to show up. She still thinks it’s broken. She gave him a spirometer to do breathing exercises to expand his lungs, along with antibiotics and a round of steroids if the antibiotics have not helped the wheezing in a day or two. The extra was taken on the roadside. It is awfully humbling not to be able to take care of things yourself and to have to depend on others. A great reminder to be thankful for the people in our life. This is twice in a week and a half we’ve had to call on friends. So thankful they are there.
Be blessed!
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