Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


I receive some positive medical results from one appointment and today hoped to have a similar outcome at the dermatologist. The satnav took me to the wrong place and I had real trouble finding the the clinic. I eventually found it in a new building behind Lidl four kilometres away with no indication on the outside as to it being a medical establishment. As a consequence, instead of being 20 minutes early I was ten minutes late. However the consultation went well. I had a couple of lesions burnt off and wont need to go back for another year. The clinic was not far from the rehabilitation centre where a friend is recovering from her serious broken leg and hip. I spent half an hour or so with her but it is obvious she will be there for a long time. I went on to have lunch with friends and we all went for a walk around the lake which is well known for its watersports. It a spot well known for being windy.

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