New chain

Nana and grandad kindly sat in my house this morning for the jedi's new bed to arrive.  Woo hoo. It came in this small box. I will try it out on our holiday.  He was impressed with the box and has been hiding in it since he came home from nursery.  

I went to the cafe this morning with our students.  I saw some craft gold chains and Lincoln is delighted to have one. He thinks it's real gold and has told me I'm the best mum in the world. I'll take that :-) 

Harp was knackered after nursery and fell asleep on the sofa. It's not like her. So I gave her 20 minutes.  I'm going to give them a early dinner and take them to a giant field after on their bikes. They can have a kick around with some footballs . And have a run around.  

The boys got their reports from school and they're both doing great.  Very happy mum . 

Happy Friday.  Have a good weekend.  2 more sleeps till our holiday.  Woo hoo 

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