
I worked from home today, so usual routine of a walk before work.  It was a really grey and cold morning.  We really need to see the sun and get some warmth.  My morning was back to back meetings. 
BB went off to school, but came back quickly as his timetable is empty.  He’s a little lost.  I’m sure he will fall into a new routine soon enough though.  I told him to use the time to get organised for his Duke Of Edinburgh expedition.  He made a start – but not much of a start, then went out to meet R.
I fitted in a lunchtime walk today which was good.  The sun had appeared and teheir was a lovely blue sky, but it was still cold.
After work I made a tuna pasta bake for tea, then had to pop out for a couple of things.
An uneventful day.  I walked past this amazing clematis at lunchtime.

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