Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

To Chew Or Not To Chew

I loved the texture of Ferds antler chew. It's a pretty fascinating thing all round.

Ferd isn't 100% mad for it, but he does have a little nibble every so often in bed (that's where he decided it lives).

Me still blurgh, ate a sandwich and was all lalala yum, now I have bellyache and feel sick :(

Think I might make veggie pasta thing for dinner, well that's if I can be bothered cause that like involves effort and blurgh.

Enjoyed my 90s manga trip yesterday and oddly woke up with A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn in my head and the urge to wear a band t shirt, something I haven't done in years (you know since the late 90s) and also don't even think I own any now.

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