Near and Far

... Makes me think of Father Ted :-))

A less busy day, sort of.  Working from midday, I took Meg and Bella to the ball field for a short run beforehand.  Despite the brevity of the outing, C joined us and promptly worked a miracle.  As we walked up the field she bent down and picked up ... Bella's ball, the one lost a week ago, last seen in Meg's mouth!  Having carefully searched on three occasions, once with John's help, I'd all but given up hope of finding it there.  A great parting gift from C :-)

Working in the railway shop is less tiring than the cafe which was good as I have continued to feel rather jaded, a persistent headache and sinus pain not helping.  After a meal of lasagne made from yesterday's bolognaise, I picked up some hayfever tablets from Jamie before going to pottery.  Whether it was the hayfever tablet, relieving my sinus pain or the relaxation and fun at pottery, I'm feeling less grim as I write this before bedtime.

Very please with the items I collected tonight, two of which you can see in an extra pic.  The main is a white form of Nigella damascena, Love in a Mist, in my sand bed in the garden.  Last year I sowed a few annuals for summer colour.  They self seeded and this year I have a few more.

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