Buckmaster Joseph Tuck - great name, great guy.

TILE Sudden death, in the prime of life, of Mr. Tuck, who for many
years filled the post of medical officer of the Seaford district of
Eastbourne, and was one of its best known and most highly respected
inhabitants, has cast a gloom over the town of Seaford and its neighbourhood.
The deceased gentleman was 49 years of age, and had
been in practice at Seaford for about twenty-five years. Previous to
settling in Seaford, he occupied the post of house-surgeon at
(Guy's Hospital. Mr. Tuck took an active interest in all the local
institutions, and his loss will be greatly felt. He was president and
surgeon of the Seaford True Blue Benefit Society, surgeon of the Seaford
Loyal Lodge of Odd Fellows and of the Foresters, medical attendant
of the Seaford Convalescent Home, and medical officer for
*the Seaford district of the Eastbourne Union. He was also commissioner
of taxes for the Liberty of Seaford.
It has been said of him by one of those who knew him best:
Few events of note have occurred in the town of his adoption during
the past quarter of a century in which Mr. Tuck did not take a foremost
part. He was very sanguine as to the future of Seaford as a
watering-place, and was ever ready to help forward anything that
would conduce to the prosperity of the town. He, in conjunction
with the late Dr. Tyler Smith, took considerable interest in the
drainage of the town and sanitary affairs generally. He promoted
the formation of a local board for Seaford, and filled the position of
chairman of that body up to the time of his death."
Mr. Tuck was elected a member of the corporation soon after his
arrival in Seaford, and, in a short time, became one of its most active
members. As a Justice of the Peace he performed his duties with
marked ability.
The post mortem examination showed that there was extensive
fatty degeneration of the heart and that death had resulted from
rupture of the right auricle.

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