Yes, they are back!

Isabella and Harriet (Bella and Hetty) arrived back yesterday evening, with Julia, hotfoot from Cyprus.
What a joy those girls are, it was so lovely to see them and they didn't go to bed until around 10pm.
This morning we had Hendrix and Buddy, as usual, and then Bella and Hetty joined them for breakfast and then playing afterwards, until it was time to take the boys to school.
After Daniel and Joanne picked up Hendrix, at 3.20pm they popped in so they could all play together again.
Lovely and hot today, I changed into some shorts hoping to get some tan on my legs before I ride to Belgium on the 17th!
Top, the Roses breakfast club
bottom left, on top of the climbing frame - the girls have no fear whatsoever!
bottom right - everything is great and swinging.

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