... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Norbury Hall Park: Close Encounters

More strokable in large

I'd not intended to post a whole week of macro shots, so "Oops!". 
I had a rather surprising start to the day: after a fair amount of ominous scratching and clattering over the course of about 5 minutes, then 15 minutes of quiet giving me a false sense of security, a starling burst into my room from the chimney/fireplace, flew straight into my window, and fortunately made itself easy to catch by getting stuck behind my curtain. Phew! Rather more straightforward (in many ways) than the jay fledgling's chimney visit (and subsequent stake-out) in 2018. It was exhilarating to hold an adult starling (they're so soft!), but I just released it rather than trying any camera/starling juggling.
Mum and I then sorted the duckules, and I had to go to NW London for an appointment, but after all that I'd still failed to take a single photo, so I just took macros as I walked home from the train station via Norbury Hall Park.

Others here (or right from Speckled wood)

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