Today’s blip is a pot of daises on the back patio, they’re looking lovely with the sun on them. We took our motor-home to a garage last week but the price he asked to fix it was too expensive. So we took it to the garage down the road, where he fixed it for half the price and they did more to it. So it just goes to show don’t except the first price a garage asks you. This afternoon I had a phone call from the nurse at the medical centre and she explained to me about my emphysema and COPD. It was so nice for someone to take the time and ask me questions. She said The COPD was only mild at the moment and it’s good for me to do exercises and keep moving. If you don’t use it you lose it. She told me to carry on going to the pulmonary rehabilitation centre and they will keep checking my progress.  Tony took Dexter to see the vet today for his check up and she said he’s throat infection has gone now. So after last week where everything was going wrong, today things are picking up. Thank you for looking in and I’ll speak again tomorrow.  

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