Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


It's like it's snowing with all the dandelion seeds in the air. We have a habit of calling them weeds because "We don't want them". Did you know dandelion is a great medicinal plant. Also have you ever thought that this so called weed is growing for a purpose. Dandelion has deep roots that break compaction and can be a sign that your soil is calcium deficient. The dandelion taps deep down and brings the calcium up to the surface. The dandelion and other "weeds" are fixing the soils! It's interesting taking the brix refractometer readings as they show the minerals are in the weeds and not in the grasses. I have made some dandelion flower oil for making a salve very good for dry sensitive cracked skin similar properties that are in calendula. I tidied the house then rested today feeling pretty burnt out. 

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them." ~A. A. Milne

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