At The Office

Yesterday at Photogroup we studied phone photography. I’m not a fan but have to admit it has its uses, particularly for candid and street photography where you can’t really pull out a camera.
This morning we had a business meeting in an over the top office building in North Sydney. Not quite what folk from the bush like us are used to. The security was intriguing. We had to get a special swipe card to access the lifts which would then only go to the one floor (17 in our case).
We also figured out why productivity
is so low at present: everyone is in coffee shops. They were packed at 10 o’clock with office workers. I doubt if it was for the 10 minute cuppa we had on the run in my day.

Went to Hunters Hill this afternoon to check out a National Trust cottage only to find it’s only open from 2-4pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays Feb to November.
Dinner with Helen and Omar. He’s a good cook.

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