Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

D o F - WAY too shallow?

As I think I said, quite a few years ago now, there isn't really a nice day for a Funeral, which I didn't attend, but they did;  today was, I suppose as nice as you can get for any outdoor activity.
After which Jerra & Clicky gathered me up en route to "Melki" where, as I said elsewhen, the usual plethora of plants & Marcos of plants ensued.

Back to "Chez Themtwo" for a BBQ where I saw my first Orange Tip Butterfly for YONKS
I recently got into the habit, for Macro-type shots of selecting "Continuous Shooting", starting "inside" DoF and slowly moving to "outside"; which, frequently, catches one shot @ crisp Focus point; which, of course would be a non-starter using Film.
Being a Flutterby, the villainous wee beastie rested wings close rather than Moth-like wings flat. 
HOWEVER, due to the fact I'd, not yet, removed the "Burst" facility I got a blurry shot of an Orange Tip, in flight, wings folded.
When I, mentally, race back over the years, though not on Blip; under Sodde's Law I can find nary a one, I've quite a few shots of Birds apparently whooshing through the air with wings tight to body; NONE of which I can easily find.  If it happens again Blipable, I'd better Blip it; I've one, for instance, of this year's Blue Tit Flying TO Nest-box wings shut.

Finally decided to include a brace of Damsel shots.

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