Midweek Rest, Relaxation and Training
Today, I had a rest day by my standards! Fatigue higher today, pain lower.
I nipped out for a much needed jar of coffee and a pint of milk about half nine this morning and then relaxed catching up with some YouTubers that I enjoy watched with a coffee and a later than usual breakfast.
I watched the news this morning - I used to watch it as much as I could mornings or evenings but now only watch it if I feel like it.
I have caught up with laundry today, rested and registered for some e-learning courses with the Scottish Drugs Forum.
Today’s Blip shows my first certificate in Overdose Prevention, Intervention and Naloxone which I achieved this evening.
I find study so relaxing and such an effective pain distraction. Tired eyes though…thankfully getting a long overdue eye test soon.
I can now administer Naloxone for opioid overdose when required. It’s something I have wanted to train in for a while to help others (members of the public) so I will be carrying Naloxone in my bag from now on - feeling very proud of myself for completing the course. It was free and very easy to follow.
There are lots of other free courses which I will do as and when I can.
I did some Duolingo German revision too but was feeling very fatigued by then so let it be - at least I got some practice in and it was a good pain distraction.
Good news this afternoon - after a telephone appointment with my Pain Consultant at the local Pain Clinic yesterday afternoon, I am going to be recommencing specialist chronic pain physiotherapy later this month and have a date in the diary. He is such a supportive, empathetic doctor.
Absolutely shattered tonight so a chilled evening for me with some telly. Watching a psychological thriller at the moment, enjoying it very much.
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Wednesday, catching up with comments, stars and hearts :) xx
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