Hidcote and Kiftsgate

Blipper Aliscotia introduced me, through her Blip journal, to the amazing gardens at Kiftsgate Court just across the road from NT Hidcote. Today, we finally got there. It has much more limited opening times than Hidcote. However, we were amazed at everything we saw and bought a season ticket for the rest of the year!

In cloudy cool conditions we spent the morning at Hidcote. That garden is a firm favourite with us. It too was looking splendid in all its summer planting glory. We had a picnic lunch before making the very short journey across the road to Kiftsgate.

As we arrived the clouds rolled away and we were intoxicated by the scent of countless roses, the brightness of the oriental poppies and the majesty of the towering alliums.

Landscaped into the escarpment were ponds with newts and giant dragonflies. This modern pond was a fascination built on the former tennis courts. It is now used as a centre piece for weddings.

We first saw this garden in a feature on Gardeners’ World a few years ago. It was even better in real life!

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