Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

I'm going to Madrid!!

I can't believe I got placed! It's been months since my initial post, but I can finally say I'm going to Europe again!

These last few weeks I've been watching students get placed in Spain program on a Facebook group. They would post their numbers and locations of their placement. As the process is on a first come first served basis (the sooner you submit your application the lower number you get), I've been patiently waiting for them to get to my number. I was 2279 and on 5/29/13 at 10:14 am PST I got my placement. That Facebook group gave me a peace of mind and made me hopeful that I would go abroad. I'm just amazed at how powerful social media can be to connect people. If it weren't for the group, I would have been completely in the dark about the process.

In the beginning of April I found out that I was put on the waitlist for the French program. I was in the bottom third of the list (out of 375) and I still have yet to hear from them. Although, it would make more sense if I were to go to France, my heart is set on Spain. I've spent years working on my French and I've had aspirations to do something with my French skills. But I'm setting aside that part of me and picking up something new. I hope Spain renews my sense of wonder and give me a new purpose on life. I'm in for great things in this new chapter of my life.

This my friends is a start of a great new adventure! May the wind blow vigorously through the sails and the boat be set steadfast in the course of this tremendous journey!

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