Common Blue

No real rushing around today. The only thing we really had to do was a food shop and there was no great urgency. So we took it pretty easy this morning. I took some mail to the post office and that was it.

Early afternoon we went off to Morrison's and stocked up on food. It was less busy than in the evening when we usually shop. I bought a book from the Cat's Protection shop too.

Once the shopping was away I wanted to get back to dossing about as it's ages since I had a day to just relax, but Bri was keen to go out and look for a blip. I was less than enthusiastic as once again it was cloudy, breezy and chilly - blooming weather*! I had taken a phone photo of Minstrel asleep on me and was quite prepared to make do with blipping that.

In the end I decided to tag along, and I'm glad I did - we went to Fiskerton Fen, which is wonderfully overgrown and wild at the moment. We saw many interesting things - red spotted burnet moth chrysalis, dragonflies, insects that were like a combination of dragonfly and daddy-long-legs that seemed to bounce and dance in the air and various butterflies. Oh, and we may have heard the song of a nightingale!

I've chosen to Blip this Common Blue butterfly - there is a wings-open extra too as I struggled to decide which to Blip. It's the same butterfly but it had flown to another plant in the extra.

Now I can go back to dossing about! I may do some Blip Comment!

*Why is it so cold, dull and windy here? It's JUNE ffs! I had a hot water bottle last night so I was warm enough to sleep!

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