
For those of you that were wondering...yes, some of yesterday's mysterious wall was indeed finished with new paint;  now, I can rest at night!

Today is National VCR Day!
The VCR actually came along a lot earlier than most people think, first being developed in 1956 and sent into the world. It was until 1970 that this technology actually became readily available for the home user. As anyone who lived through that era knows, the technology absolutely boomed at that time and soon it was part of the world we lived in. Cassette tapes appeared in every home, and people began collecting all their favorite movies in the latest format.

But that wasn’t all, as the technology improved... hand held recorders became available, and family events began being taken down for posterity. From family holidays to weddings and funerals, everything was being recorded in the VHS format. Even events on TV were being recorded, and what was once a case of ‘miss your show, wait for the rerun’ became a case of ‘I have no idea how to program this VHS recorder to record what I watch’. So ubiquitous was this that it actually became a measuring stick for people’s intelligence “Oh your father will never be able to do that, he can’t even program the VCR!

I still have lots of family VCR tapes that need to be converted to disk...maybe, I should wait until Apple comes out with another product ($3,500.00) that will automatically program the old VCR!

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