Peacock Fountain

We had another lovely day after a very heavy frost. I found the Peacock Fountain going again. Last time I was here a few weeks back it wasn't!

In the back ground is the Christchurch Art Centre which was badly damaged with the earthquakes and it is going take many years to restore

The Peacock Fountain was bought by the Christchurch Beautifying Society from money bequeathed by John Thomas Peacock, a trader, politician and philanthropist. The fountain was unveiled in 1911, moved to a new location some years later, and put into storage in 1949. After a $270,000 renovation, it was commissioned again in 1996, in its third location in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens. It has an elaborate colour scheme and is a much photographed tourist attraction. Taken from and for more info on the Fountain.

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