More Puddle Action

With the challenge subject of Water today I was in my element ; )
The puddles were everywhere and this huge tree  nearly fully fitted into this mini lake! : )  Of course I’ve turned it upside down to get more of a mysterious feel to it! : )

The rain slackened off today thank goodness and we managed a good walk this morning and this afternoon, Toto was thrilled to bits to get outside again!

The roof workman were true to their word and they arrived at lunchtime and headed up to survey the damage!  The ceiling is still in place but is looking very soggy and totally smelly ugh!!  
We’ve had a big plastic crate under the spot where water is leaking through and when the guys were up on the roof the light fitting smashed down into the crate probably from them clomping around in their big boots!!
The verdict was not good. There was a lot of deterioration in the structure around the big air conditioning unit on the roof. This was mostly from the pigeons who have been getting into the base under it and living there and pooping everywhere which has corroded the structure holding it all together!!   Seems like it will be a huge job to replace the base and seal it all off so the pigeons cant get back in there and do a repeat performance!!  I’m hoping they can get started on it asap!!!
We have had a lot of trouble with pigeons over the years in this building as once they’ve been born in one place they dont like moving on, there must be many generations of them now who call this place home! ! Ugh!! 
Its a bit of a nightmare really!!!

Thanks to Rock Area for choosing water this week ; )

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